It takes a village to build a blog.
This page features posts by some of the 'villagers' who influence my life in different ways.
The man Jesus
by Nyasha aka Nyashman
The life of Jesus was an example of what human life was designed to be.
It is not those who are well who need a doctor but those who are sick. Jesus was God’s response to the issues of the world. He came because He loved you and was not willing to stand by and watch you perish, He longed for a relationship with you. He does not look away when we are a mess but He comes and waits for us to invite Him into our mess.
Jesus accepts you and loves you as you are.
Then He begins the work of transformation in you. It’s not those who have fixed themselves who need Jesus but those who realize that they can’t fix themselves. Jesus knows you perfectly. He knows when you rise and when you fall. None of your thoughts go unnoticed by Him. He sees you in your sin and brokenness but He doesn’t condemn you. He instead invites you and says, “Come now, let us reason together. Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
Every human heart longs for love and acceptance.
We are all sinners, not because of what we do but we are born sinners. This is why when you believe in Jesus you are born again you become a new creation, the old is gone and you are brand new.You might even be tired of life or even given up but that’s a good thing. If you are tired of your life give it to God, He’ll take it and make it beautiful.
Even if you love your life and you have everything you’ve ever wanted, then you probably know that feeling of getting to the top and realizing there’s nothing there, it’s empty. Everything you work for and accumulate is momentary because when you die you take nothing with you. We all come naked into this world and naked we leave it.
The only Hope that goes beyond death is Jesus.
Here’s the truth though, there is only one God and only one mediator between God and mankind, the man Jesus Christ.
If you believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins and confess with your mouth that He is Lord, then you will be saved and have eternal life. God comes into your heart and fills you with His Spirit, the Spirit of adoption by whom you can call God, “Father.”