How are you changing the world?
So, it's been a minute since I blogged. My last post was about finding the beauty of falling apart, so I took a mini break from the blogosphere to do just that. I have spent most of the past two months reflecting on Winnie the Pooh quotes, and the meaning of life. Naturally, this led to a mini quarter life crisis about the state of the world and the somewhat daunting responsibility to contribute to changing it for the better. I realized that, for a while, I had been more enamored with the idea of changing the world and neglecting to allow myself to be changed. The best part of wanting to change the world is being humbled, learning you are not the Savior of the world and being changed by Him in the process.
We are all making an impact to our world in different ways, positive or negative. I asked some friends the question "How are you changing the world?" and they gave me some pretty dope responses, so I decided to make a blog post out of it. Why? Because I can, obviously, but mostly I hope that reading their stories will bring some perspective to your world.
"The past few months have been rough.It brought out a lot of anxious thoughts, fears that had been buried deep after my Dad had been murdered. I found that being brave wasn't just for a moment but a lifestyle I was to live out. I'm grateful for anxiety...I know right? WHAAT! It absolutely sucks in that moment when your heart is racing, thoughts are racing, stomach is in knots....but it's God's grace showing you..."hey there's something wrong here" . So instead of waiting for the tipping point, I journal my thoughts and truths regularly weeding out those lies!
So how am I changing the world?
By being the best version of me.
Being brave.
Living fully.
Full of Joy.
Full of passion."
- Leveen
"Outside of God, it is impossible to change the world for the absolute good, because by definition we are outside the single thing to which good is compared. It never takes one person to change the world. At best, it takes one person to catalyze this change. It takes many to see their actions, react to their action, take action for or against their actions and generally live for the world to be changed.
Anyone who thinks they can change the world on their singular strength is just making a noise!
So basically - living for Jesus is how I think I'm changing the world. "
- Jason
"The first thing that comes to mind is that I'm raising a child, they say children are the future, right?Love is the other thing that comes to my mind, learning to love in any circumstance I may be, I believe that will change the world, it was God's first plan."
- Isabelle
"For me, changing the world begins with asking myself what the world is, what makes the world happen and, what went wrong in the world. The common denominator in all these questions boils down to one major factor ‘people’, for we are the world, we make it happen and we it is us that can make the conscious decision to destroy it or build it.
I want to challenge people into living lives of purpose, into living lives which build legacies and lives of impact on the environment and other people as well.
That will be my strategy; perhaps I could start implementing it today."