B R A V E: chronicles of a freedom fighter
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice for the oppressed.
Yes! Speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice” Proverbs 31:8-9
These two sentences have shaped my life in ways that I can never fully articulate. See, in these two sentences lays my life’s job description. At first glance it seems like my ‘job’ is pretty easy-peasy, all I have to do is speak, right?! I mean, who am I kidding, like the sound of my own voice, so speaking for a living shouldn't be that difficult. Yet, these words have been the source of the tears on my pillow and the excitement that rushes through my veins. Pursuing my life’s purpose is often a juxtaposition of immense joy and immense pain.
My joy comes from the adventure of pursuing something much bigger than me. I find happiness from the success stories along the way- from contributing to access to food, education and HIV treatment for the poor to helping girls discover their worth. I love the sense of freedom and jubilation that comes from seeing justice served for those who need it most. It makes me feel like a superhero, like I’m on the front page of a Justice League comic book.
My agony comes from the chilling realisation that in order to speak up for the oppressed, poor and helpless I have to be vulnerable enough to empathise with their oppression, poverty and helplessness. Above all my pain comes from confronting my own oppression, poverty and helplessness- How do you speak up for others during the times when you cannot even speak up for yourself? How do you continue fighting for others during the times when you feel most defeated?
When I first realised that I had to be brave in order to fulfil my life’s calling, I did what any dramatic milenial does when they have an epiphany - I got the above tattooed on my wrist (I’m sorry Mom)! Getting ‘inked’ was a long, thoroughly thought out decision that I didn’t take lightly. I did, however, underestimate the MANY number of times I would have to explain the meaning behind it.
I do not always have the time to explain the entire deep symbolism of it all, but thanks to the gift of the internet I can now refer people to this post for answers (yes, it’s also shameless ploy to get more people to check out the blog!)
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. The winds of tribulation that drag you back can launch you into something great! It takes bravery to continue chasing your dreams in the face of failure and discouragement. It takes immense courage to weather the storms of despair, to overcome the fear of the terror of the night and the arrows that fly by day.
Being brave doesn’t not always feel as heroic as you would envision. I think the times when our bravery is most tested come when we have to be brave enough to endure the mundane in order to achieve the incredible. I'm learning that being brave doesn’t require that I be the hero of the story, I’m learning to be brave enough to acknowledge and rely on the strength of others.
Life is marathon-let us run with endurance the race that is set before us!
“If you don’t give it all you’ve got, you’re only cheating yourself. Give it all you got…
It’s like God, I’m giving it all I got, sometimes I’m weak and I’m gonna do it anyway”
- Mr Justin Bieber
*yes, I'm a Bielieber, you are more than welcome to judge me in your spare time*