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An introduction

Life is messy.

Nothing hardly goes as planned.

Your first love becomes your first heartbreak, your dream job can quickly become your worst nightmare and those you love don’t live forever. You make awful decisions that lead to even more chaos. That one time you ‘accidentally’ have a one night stand leaves a seed of life in your womb, you turn down the job with a start up company that becomes the next Google, you drive your homies home after a few beers and you are the only one who survives the fatal car crash.

Ok, now that the melodrama has caught your attention, let me introduce this blog!

My life is a wreck, but like a M E S S Y wreck!

I have been broken in profound ways and I have single handily created epic chaotic situations in my life and the lives of those around me. I have contemplated and attempted giving up on life several times but it has always felt like someone was intentionally fighting to keep me alive, to have me fulfil some kind of purpose. I have always known this person to be God, but I have not always known how to react to his constant pursuit of my life. That’s until I let go of trying to figure out the right response and decided to accept His pursuit and see how far my life would go with Him in it. What a ride it has been!

My journey through life with Him has led me to confront the broken places in my heart that I would rather hide from! I’ve always suffered from “ostrich syndrome” – I would prefer to 'stick my head in the sand', rather than confront uncomfortable facts. But something beautiful happens when I take my broken mess to God, He takes all the pieces and like a skilful potter moulds them together, creating something more glorious than the original piece.

My life often runs like an Extreme Makeover: Life Edition marathon- constant demolition and remodelling. Not only does He create beauty from brokenness, He has a good eye for tearing down knock off versions of beauty to reveal a pure beauty that only He can work.

When you allow Him, God will forge your life into a magnificent jewel and yet you will still have to carry out an existence in a world that lies in ruins. This unique way of life will allow you to bring light to darkness, glory to wreckage!

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.

2 Corinthians 4:7


If you haven’t figured that I am a Christian by now, then you might need prayer!

The majority of my posts will be informed by my belief in Jesus.

So if you know Jesus, follow this blog.

if you would like to know Him- follow this blog.

if you couldn’t care less about Him- follow this blog :-)

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